PhD 2022 - Present
York University, Social & Personality Psychology
Master of Arts 2022
York University, Social & Personality Psychology
Thesis: Judgements of propaganda near and far: national identity media evaluations
Honours Bachelor of Arts 2016 — 2020
University of Waterloo, Department of Psychology
Thesis: The Devil is in the details: Uncovering asymmetrical assumptions about good and evil deities
Dunk, R. J., Goulding, B. W., Fugelsang, J. A., & Friedman, O. (2021). Butt-dialing the devil: Evil agents are expected to disregard intentions behind requests. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
Dunk, R. J. & Mar, R. A. (2022). Cognitive exploration drives engagement and re-engagement with imaginary worlds, but not spatial exploration as predicted by evolutionary theory. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Quinlan, J. A., Dunk, R. J. & Mar, R. A. (2023). Weird reactions to weird Twitter: How expectation and intention relate to appreciation for absurd humor. Psychology of Popular Media.
Dunk, R. J. & Mar, R. A. (2024) Parasocial Enemyship. Under review at Personal Relationships.
Dunk, R. J., & Mar, R. A. (Forthcoming: 2025). The Morals of (and in) Stories., Handbook of Ethics and Social Psychology. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Dunk, R. J. (2024, February) Judgements of propaganda near and far National Identity and Media Evaluation. Talk presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention, San Diego, California, Canada.
Dunk, R. J (2023, June). Parasocial Enemyship: Scale development and associations with personality and well-being. Snapshot talk to be presented at the Canadian Psychological Association 2023 Annual Convention, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Dunk, R. J (2022, February). Judging extended parts of the self: Our own nation. Poster presentation at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology 2022 Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Dunk, R. J. (2022, January). Parasocial Enemyship: Construct and Scale Development. Invited talk for the Department of Personality & Social Psychology at York University.
Dunk, R. J. (2020, November). Racial inequality in psychology: The publishing dilemma. Invited talk for The MAR Lab.
Dunk, R. J. (2021, March). Morality, Religion, and Justice. Invited lecture for Cultural Psychology PSYC 3350 at York University.
Dunk, R. J. (2021, March). Psychological Distance And Extended Parts Of The Self. Invited talk for the Department of Personality & Social Psychology at York University.
Fernandez, E. (2021, September 15). Angels care about what you mean, while devils care about what you say. Forbes.
Graduate Student 2020 — Present
The MAR Lab
Dr. Raymond Mar
Affiliated Graduate Student 2020 — Present
The Cultural Collective Lab
Dr. Richard Lalonde
Research Practicum 2020 — 2020
Wisdom and Culture Lab
Dr. Igor Grossmann
Research Assistant 2018 — 2020
Language and Infant Development Lab
Dr. Katherine White
Research Assistant 2017 — 2018
Psychological Intervention Research Team
Dr. Walter Mittelstaedt
Ontario Graduate Scholarship 2023 & 2024 - $15,000
Ministry of Colleges and Universities
York University
CPA Certificate of Academic Excellence
Canadian Psychological Association
Thesis Prize Nomination
York University
Silver Medal Undergraduate Essay Prize 2020
Philosophy Department
University of Waterloo
Degree Honours with Distinction 2020
University of Waterloo
President’s Scholarship 2016
University of Waterloo
Instructed Courses
PSYC 2110 Developmental Psychology (2025)
York University
Honours Thesis Co-supervision
Acevedo Benitez, K. (in prep). Validation of a Food Motivation Measure: The Comfort Food Motivation scale (CFM)
Volunteer Mentorship
Vice President: 2022 — 2023
Psychology Undergraduate Mentorship Program
Graduate Mentor: 2020 — 2023
Psychology Undergraduate Mentorship Program